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3-minute social skills: Eye contact

Published: August 7, 2018
Last updated on June 16, 2021

We decided to do a course on social skills, entitled 3-minute social skills course for autistics, comprising of short videos/podcasts of about 3 minutes. With such limited time, of course we will not get deep into the subject matter, but each video will give a few tips on one aspect of social interaction.

3-minute social skills

So here is our first video, on eye contact.


We would LOVE your feedback.

We went with audio and images so as to prevent overstimulation, as some autistic people have suggested.

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This article
was written by:

Dr. Natalie Engelbrecht ND RP is a dually licensed naturopathic doctor and registered psychotherapist, and a Canadian leader in trauma, PTSD, and integrative medicine strictly informed by scientific research.

She was diagnosed at 46, and her autism plays a significant role in who she is as a doctor, and how she interacts with and cares for her patients and clients.

Want to know more about her? Read her About me page.


Although our content is generally well-researched
and substantiated, or based on personal experience,
note that it does not constitute medical advice.


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