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Autism logos: research & design

Published: April 2, 2019
Last updated on February 23, 2021

Before we launched our new website on August 8, 2018,[1]The new website is live! | Embrace ASD we did market research in autism organizations and their logos.

Research document

With that research, we informed ourselves about the use of colors and symbols, and made ourselves more conscious about which elements to avoid, and which elements to incorporate into our logo and brand.

In the PDF below, you can see some of our research, how it informed our design decisions, and part of the logo design process.

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Autism logos: research & design

Embrace ASD symbols

In the image below you can see the many symbols I designed in search of what would eventually become our Embrace ASD logo.

Embrace Autism | Autism logos: research & design | EmbraceASDLogos
Symbols: copyright © 2018 Martin Silvertant (


This article
was written by:

Martin Silvertant is a co-founder of Embrace Autism, and lives up to his surname as a silver award-winning graphic designer. Besides running Embrace Autism and researching autism, he loves typography and practicing type design. He was diagnosed with autism at 25.

PS: Martin is trans, and as of 2021 she writes under her true name, Eva Silvertant.


Although our content is generally well-researched
and substantiated, or based on personal experience,
note that it does not constitute medical advice.


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