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Autistic brain differences series

Published: February 21, 2020
Last updated on May 24, 2021

Our Autistic brain differences series is an ongoing (albeit currently dormant) series on the various anatomical and functional differences that can be found in the autistic brain compared to the neurotypical brain.

Click on one of the titles below to explore the series.



Every non-autistic brain is (roughly) like every non-autistic brain.
But no autistic brain is like any other autistic brain.

Enlarged heads

Research indicates autistic children tend to have larger heads,
and their head circumference indicates challenges in the social domain.

Enlarged brains

3–5-year-old autistic children’s brains are
as heavy as the average adult male brain!

The cerebrum

The cerebrum is like the processor of the brain, so unsurprisingly,
the autistic brain features some significant differences.

 The cerebellum

The cerebellum in autism is responsible for motor control
challenges and alterations in cognitive functions.

An illustration of the human brain.

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Although our content is generally well-researched
and substantiated, or based on personal experience,
note that it does not constitute medical advice.


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