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Book resources

Published: March 21, 2023
Last updated on October 29, 2024
Do you want to learn more about what autism entails?

Of course, reading our articles or information from other autism websites can help. But if you’re interested in reading some books on autism, below is a selection of books I can recommend to learn more about what autism entails, and the myriad of ways it can manifest itself—both in women and in general.

Click on the book titles or covers below to follow the links to Amazon.


Here is a quick overview of all the books mentioned under the different sections in this post. Scroll down further for a larger view of the book covers, with more information such as mentions of the authors and publishing years.


Autism in women

Autism & transness

Autistic camouflaging




This article
was written by:

Dr. Natalie Engelbrecht ND RP is a dually licensed naturopathic doctor and registered psychotherapist, and a Canadian leader in trauma, PTSD, and integrative medicine strictly informed by scientific research.

She was diagnosed at 46, and her autism plays a significant role in who she is as a doctor, and how she interacts with and cares for her patients and clients.

Want to know more about her? Read her About me page.


Although our content is generally well-researched
and substantiated, or based on personal experience,
note that it does not constitute medical advice.


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