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COVID-19: current cases

Published: March 20, 2020
Last updated on October 12, 2021


Embrace Autism | COVID-19: current cases | statistics CoronavirusCases

The above numbers show the current cases of COVID-19, world-wide on March 18, 2020.[1]Coronavirus Cases | WorldOMeters The known death rate is based on closed cases.

This is because only the closed cases inform us of the outcome for people who have had COVID-19. The person can either recover or they can die. Looking at the numbers above we see that 1 in 10 people who were known to have COVID-19 died. This number has increased from 6% to 10% in the last week.

The more we flatten the curve,[2]Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve” | The Washington Post the lower the number of deaths.


March 18, 2020:

  • Closed cases: 12 recovered (57%) & 9 deaths (43%)
  • Active cases: 635 outcome remains unknown

4 out of every 10 people who we know had the virus have died.


March 18, 2020:

  • Closed cases: 106 recovered (44%) & 133 deaths (56%)
  • Active cases: 8019 outcome remains unknown

5.5 out of every 10 people who we know had the virus have died.

Click this link to find out cases in your state: Coronavirus Cases | WorldOMeters

Flattening the curve

This link, provided by The Washington Post, explains how the virus infects exponentially. We must flatten the curve[3]Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve” | The Washington Post by limiting our exposure to others. In delaying the spread of the virus, our health care systems can save lives and better deal with the emerging COVID-19 cases.

The above link shows animated graphs helpful in understanding the effects of social-distancing on the emerging numbers of COVID-19.

Embrace Autism | COVID-19: current cases | diagram COVID19CasesUS

The above graph shows the exponential growth of COVID-19 in the USA. At the current rate (doubling every three days) there will be about 100 million (100,000,000) infected by May 2020.[4]Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve” | The Washington Post


This article
was written by:

Dr. Natalie Engelbrecht ND RP is a dually licensed naturopathic doctor and registered psychotherapist, and a Canadian leader in trauma, PTSD, and integrative medicine strictly informed by scientific research.

She was diagnosed at 46, and her autism plays a significant role in who she is as a doctor, and how she interacts with and cares for her patients and clients.

Want to know more about her? Read her About me page.


Although our content is generally well-researched
and substantiated, or based on personal experience,
note that it does not constitute medical advice.


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