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How would you best describe a sensory overload?

Published: April 18, 2018
Last updated on September 1, 2024

Sensory overload is part of the experience of having autism, and one of the reasons why many of us tend to seclude ourselves.

We filter less from our world and this causes us to get:

Embrace Autism | How would you best describe a sensory overload? | main qimg 129782e32c8eb417c702fa1fca04b627
Image source: The Inspiration Room

This happens because we have less:


Embrace Autism | How would you best describe a sensory overload? | main qimg 5f5c99354a004b30bdddcb00a907896f
Image credit: Immy Smith (Red Bubble)

resulting in MORE connections…

Too much sensory input comes at us at once, and our brain says WTF!

Embrace Autism | How would you best describe a sensory overload? | main qimg af49e0ceaa3ea27f9de442de8f76c049
Image credit: Eating Off Plastic

We can have a sensory overload…

Embrace Autism | How would you best describe a sensory overload? | main qimg 22da177917eaf674d8072dae8119d7aa
Image source:

When we get overwhelmed by too much stuff!

Embrace Autism | How would you best describe a sensory overload? | main qimg 061b930ae038ce8d679ea41cf1e56db3
Image credit: Rick Woods

Sometimes patterns can overstimulate us…

Embrace Autism | How would you best describe a sensory overload? | main qimg a110af5ff0742182acc678da824a35a5
Image source: Dreamstime

And when we hear speech from multiple conversations at the same time.

Embrace Autism | How would you best describe a sensory overload? | huge.10.50961
Image source: Bruno Le Sourd

And it can be very difficult or impossible to “filter” and process sounds and noises that we hear.

Embrace Autism | How would you best describe a sensory overload? | main qimg 4d05d59ca4d8a539cbfbdae9776711aa
Image source: Pinterest

(Anxiety Disorder)

For some of us it can actually cause:

Embrace Autism | How would you best describe a sensory overload? | Dibujo
Image source: EpilepsyU

And we feel like this…

Embrace Autism | How would you best describe a sensory overload? | main qimg def4f6f13b80648f8e51c82fd0e82519
Image credit: Farooq Nisar

Or we may have meltdowns or shutdowns.

Embrace Autism | How would you best describe a sensory overload? | main qimg 41e2c829335be48a05ee899669c66b8f
Image source: The Peaceful Parenting Whisperer

And if you leave us alone for a while, we can get back to feeling…

Embrace Autism | How would you best describe a sensory overload? | main qimg 8582e6d5522c99618f88c3bd4461bc9c
Image source:

And some days we can even manage this sensory overload…

Embrace Autism | How would you best describe a sensory overload? | main qimg 9c7a4e9695d6f0e270ffb9885a623f8b
Image credit: Sara Zimmerman (Unearthed Comics)
This article
was written by:

Dr. Natalie Engelbrecht ND RP is a dually licensed naturopathic doctor and registered psychotherapist, and a Canadian leader in trauma, PTSD, and integrative medicine strictly informed by scientific research.

She was diagnosed at 46, and her autism plays a significant role in who she is as a doctor, and how she interacts with and cares for her patients and clients.

Want to know more about her? Read her About me page.


Although our content is generally well-researched
and substantiated, or based on personal experience,
note that it does not constitute medical advice.


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