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Lovely breakfast

Published: September 18, 2019
Last updated on September 19, 2021

Many autistic people show food selectivity (i.e. being selective and picky about foods)[1]Food Selectivity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Typically Developing Children and food neophobia (being adverse to new foods), which is often due to sensory sensitivity,[2]Autistic traits associated with food neophobia but not olfactory sensitivity including oral sensory processing issues (i.e. sensitivity to certain foods in the mouth).[3]Sensory Sensitivity and Food Selectivity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder[4]Food Selectivity and Sensory Sensitivity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Or they may have food allergies. All of this can make it difficult for us to keep a balanced diet. I’m not a nutritionist or dietitian, and I lack the knowledge to inform you about food.

However, lately I have been experimenting a bit with food, trying to find creative ways to prepare or present food. Especially healthy foods that are arguably too boring for consumption without involving creativity. Or in some instances, I try to make the experience of eating more joyous. For today, let me show you one of my decorative food creations.

This post will be relatively short and sweet.

Love breakfast

Below is a breakfast I made for Natalie, featuring strawberries, blueberries, Brazil nuts, and pieces of coconut.

A photo of a plate with strawberries, blueberries, Brazil nuts, and pieces of coconut arranged to look something like ladybugs with decorations around them.

I guess they are ladybugs, or possibly some other kind of bugs. Brazil nuts are obviously not ideal to represent ladybug heads. In fact, the blueberries would have been great for that. Drawing little faces onto the blueberries with mayonnaise… Okay, maybe no mayonnaise on fruit. I decided to include the Brazil nuts not to achieve something visually, but simply because I felt Natalie should eat some, since they are healthy. In fact, a review of the research from 2009 by Jun Yang on the health benefits of Brazil nuts indicates:[5]Brazil nuts and associated health benefits: A review

It’s probably not the most romantic, but if you decide to make a romantic breakfast for your partner, perhaps include some ingredients you think your partner should definitely eat (within reason). If your partner takes a lot of pills each day, this could be a wonderful opportunity to create a festive plate!

Heartbreak fast?

I posted the picture above online, and some autistic smart-ass named Parth said:

I have a feeling you combined romantic and lazy.
I see not cooking something tough was hidden pretty well.

Yet the romantic part springs out of the picture, so worth it. XD

Lazy?! Do you know how long it takes to open a coconut? And did you notice the heart-shaped strawberries? They don’t come like that! And what about the blueberries which I meticulously cut in half?

To be honest, though, I did not open a coconut. I opened a bag of frozen coconut pieces, and selected the most cubic ones. So be careful you don’t end up showing your laziness and lack of effort and go from a heart breakfast to heartbreak fast.

But really, infusing your breakfast with creativity doesn’t require a tremendous effort. I’m starting to brainstorm about the possibilities of eggs now, which is a notoriously simple/lazy breakfast. What might I be able to sculpt out of cooked eggs?

I am just having fun, and trying to share that fun with my partner.

A symbol of a heart.

Let me know if you found this post to be helpful or entertaining. I have another few food-based experiments to show for those interested.


This article
was written by:

Martin Silvertant is a co-founder of Embrace Autism, and lives up to his surname as a silver award-winning graphic designer. Besides running Embrace Autism and researching autism, he loves typography and practicing type design. He was diagnosed with autism at 25.

PS: Martin is trans, and as of 2021 she writes under her true name, Eva Silvertant.


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