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New home page design!

Published: May 1, 2020
Last updated on February 22, 2021

If you hadn’t seen it already, we are very excited to announce that the design at the top of our Home page has been updated!

Embrace ASD library

We had been wanting to update the top of our home page for a while now. Especially after we updated the design of the Blog page, the home page no longer looked of the same standard. We planned on getting funding to hire an awesome illustrator from the UK to make us a new home page, but we decided we couldn’t wait any longer, and so I did the design myself. I am pretty sure we will work with him on other projects we have planned. Possibly even another website update down the line.

The abstract design that we have been using since August 2018 has now been replaced with a rendering of a physical place: our very own Embrace ASD library!

An illustration of our awesome Embrace ASD library!
Dr. Natalie practically lives here now!

Looking back

Here is also a brief look back at the main iterations of the home page since 2018.


A screenshot of our home page as it appeared in 2018.



A screenshot of our home page as it appeared in 2019.


A screenshot of our home page as it appears in 2020.

I think we came a long way!

We would love to hear what you think
about the new home page design!

Also, feel free to share any other cool ideas
you might have for our website.

This article
was written by:
The Embrace Autism team shares the latest updates on our website and organization. Who writes the articles under the Embrace Autism name, you may ask. The simple answer is that we all do; each of us alternates between typing a single key. It takes a ridiculous amount of time to write that way, but it’s all about the team effort!


Although our content is generally well-researched
and substantiated, or based on personal experience,
note that it does not constitute medical advice.


Let us know what you think!

A hand pointing down (an index symbol).
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