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Embrace Autism icon.

Podcast, research & more

Published: May 15, 2020
Last updated on May 2, 2021

We have a few updates! One project which we started in February is almost finished and ready to be shared, and we just started a new, frighteningly daunting project.


We figured we would launch our podcast at the end of February, but here we are in May, and we still haven’t launched. But we are almost ready now!

We had several episodes recorded already, but it has taken longer than expected to get everything else ready. For example, we were working with a Gemini award-winning music producer to create intro music for the podcast, but it didn’t quite work out. I didn’t have an issue with that, because he wasn’t autistic, and I prefer to work with autistic people as much as possible. Both out of principle because helping and empowering fellow autistic people is what we’re all about, and simply because I enjoy working with them.

So we ended up working with an autistic music producer instead! His name is Kendall Jones. He is now part of Embrace ASD as well, and does all our music, mastering of the podcasts, and helps write content. You might have seen his name around if you have seen our articles on autism tests; and you can see him play guitar on our About page.

An illustrated character of Kendall Jones.
He doesn’t tend to smile in pictures, but he is laughing internally.

Matt Medina and Kendall have been editing the podcast, and Thomas Gisler and I have been working on an animated video intro and looping animations for the podcast. The audio for the first episode has been mastered, and tomorrow Thomas and I will put the video together.

So keep an eye out for the first episode, which will be announced on our website in the upcoming days, and will be available on our YouTube channel and on our Soundcloud profile.


I am also excited to let you know that Natalie and I have taken on the mighty task of writing a paper on alexithymia, to be published in the journal Autism in Adulthood!

Upcoming week we are going to dive deep into the research literature, and hopefully come out of it with an even more comprehensive understanding of alexithymia and how it presents in autistic adults. We will let you know if we have something to show.

And there is a lot more coming up, including a live Zoom webinar Matt and I will be doing with the Autistic Psychedelic Community on May 24th, 2020.

An Autistic Psychedelic Community flyer.

We will talk about our website and some of our projects, about our journey of self-discovery and eventual diagnosis, and the efficacy of MDMA and psilocybin. To attend the event, follow the link below.

Community Chat with Embrace ASD
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The Embrace Autism team shares the latest updates on our website and organization. Who writes the articles under the Embrace Autism name, you may ask. The simple answer is that we all do; each of us alternates between typing a single key. It takes a ridiculous amount of time to write that way, but it’s all about the team effort!


Although our content is generally well-researched
and substantiated, or based on personal experience,
note that it does not constitute medical advice.


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