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Dr. Natalie Engelbrecht reading a book in the Embrace Autism library.

Damian Milton

PhD – University of Birmingham – 2009-2016. Working title: Educational discourse and the autistic student, a study using Q-sort methodology. I work for the National Autistic Society as Autism Knowledge and Expertise Consultant, and as a Lecturer in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities at the Tizard Centre, University of Kent, and as Project Leader for the National Autistic Taskforce. I also chair the Participatory Autism Research Collective (PARC). I hold a number of academic qualifications in a range of subjects: Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Education, and have a number of years of experience as a lecturer in both FE and HE. My interest in autism began when my son was diagnosed in 2005 as autistic at the age of two. I was also diagnosed with Asperger’s in 2009 at the age of thirty-six.
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An advertisement about neurodiverget lemonade.
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An advertisement for politician Andy Barkhol.
