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Jolly April Fool’s!

Published: April 1, 2020
Last updated on March 5, 2021

Jolly April Fool’s Day! Can I say that during a pandemic? It sounds facetious, but that also begs the question; has humor died, or is this a time where humor is actually in high demand? (I was considering naming this post Convivial Corona Day, but I think some might perceive this to be in poor taste)

In light of the pandemic, I don’t know if April Fool’s Day has more or less significance. The social climate perhaps isn’t the best for jokes, and social distancing makes it more challenging to prank each other (though I am curious to see what pranks at a distance people partake in). On the other hand, I think many of us could use a good laugh.

Jolly April posts

So for those who are looking to forget about the pandemic, I have compiled some of our funniest and/or most light-hearted posts.

Funny pranks by
Steven J Greenfield

An illustrated portrait of Steven Greenfield.

Who said autistics don’t have humor?
Steven’s pranks are brilliant!

A literal clown

An illustration of a clown.

About a guy who tells me a clown
almost drove him over! Crazy story

Friend or special interest

An illustration of a dog holding a sign that says, “Friend?”

Autistic friendship explained
in animated canine imagery

A breath of Asperger

An illustration of a guy breathing out Asperger particles.

Everyone has at least a bit
of Asperger inside of them

The seven-headed beast

An illustration of the seven-headed beast of Revelations.

About a deck beast, a beast out of
the sea, and an autistic beast

Autistics & light bulbs

An illustration of two smiling light bulbs.

How many autistics does it
take to change a light bulb?

10 autistics in a room

An illustration of a small room with a bookcase.

What would happen if we put a group
of autistic people in a room together?

Which of these posts—if any—did you enjoy?

Also, feel free to share something that made you laugh recently!

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