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Embrace Autism icon.

Embrace Autism Studio

Published: April 9, 2019
Last updated on October 5, 2022

Did you know that today, April 9, is National Portfolio Day? It just happens to coincide with Natalie suggesting to me to create a new group to showcase our creativity!

Creative group

It’s a pleasure to introduce to you a new Facebook group by Embrace Autism, called (the) Embrace Autism Studio.

Embrace Autism | Embrace Autism Studio | illustration Artist2

The Studio is a group in celebration of the creativity of autistic people. We welcome:

Art, technical illustrations, design, typography, calligraphy, writing, printing, origami, poetry, photography, animation, video, music, plays, pottery, etc. Anything that could be regarded as creative!

Share your own work, or discuss/present other people’s work (not necessarily by autistic people). In time, we may even use the group as a platform to launch a curated gallery of autistic art, or become an art/media collective, or start some other creative enterprise. Let’s see where it goes!


So come have a look in our group. If you don’t have Facebook, consider creating an account! Several of our members of the main Embrace Autism Community have indicated that they use Facebook just to interact in the group (as do I!), so it may be worth it to create an account.

Embrace Autism | Embrace Autism Studio | illustration Artist

And considering it’s National Portfolio Day (albeit at the end of the day now), this is an excellent time to show your creative work in our group!

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The Embrace Autism team shares the latest updates on our website and organization. Who writes the articles under the Embrace Autism name, you may ask. The simple answer is that we all do; each of us alternates between typing a single key. It takes a ridiculous amount of time to write that way, but it’s all about the team effort!


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