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Psychometric tests

Autism tests can play an important role in your journey of self-discovery, and may inform your decision to pursue a formal diagnosis. Below you can find a myriad of clinically validated tests for autism and associated conditions

For a formal assessment, please see a knowledgeable professional who is qualified to assess autism—and ideally, someone who takes co-occurring conditions such as alexithymia, ADHD, PTSD, and camouflaging, and autistic burnout into consideration


If you would like to pursue an autism/ADHD
assessment with Dr. Engelbrecht ND RP,
contact us via our Autism assessments page

Autism tests

Do you think you might be autistic? Try any
(or several) of the autism tests for adults below!


80 statements

The Aspie Quiz

119 questions

Other tests

The psychometric tests below can also offer insight into autism and related aspects (empathy, camouflaging, executive skills, etc.), as well as co-occurring conditions (autistic burnout, alexithymia, ADHD, etc.)
Counterintuitively, we recommend doing the ESQ rather than the ESQ–R, since it includes relevant measures that were omitted in the ESQ–R

For an autism assessment, have a look at
Dr. Natalie Engelbrecht ND RP’s assessment service:

Online autism

Part 1

Screening assessment

If you are doing Dr. Natalie Engelbrecht’s
screening assessment, take the 6 tests listed below
NB: Make sure to save your answers,
and take screenshots of your end results

Autism assessment tests, part 1:

Screening assessment

Autism Quotient

50 statements

Aspie Quiz

119 questions


80 statements

VIA Inventory

96 statements

Part 2

Autism diagnosis

If you are doing Dr. Natalie Engelbrecht ND RP’s
diagnostic assessment, take the 6 tests listed below.
NB: Make sure to save your answers,
and take screenshots of your end results.

Autism assessment tests, part 2:

Diagnostic assessment

Empathy Quotient

60 statements

Systemizing Quotient

75 statements